Five Panel Hair Drug Screen
$ 94.99
5 panel hair follicle Drug test
- Cannabinoids (THC)
- Cocaine
- Amphetamine(Methamphetamine)
- Opiates
- Phencyclidine
Several Local testing options available in every city.
How soon after use can a drug be detected in hair?
Drug (and/or metabolite) can be detected approximately 7 to 10 days from the time of drug use. This is the time in which the affected hair grows from the follicle to emerge
above the scalp.
Specimen Collection
The collector obtains a 100-milligram sample of hair (90 to 120 strands) cut at the scalp. The collector secures the hair sample in foil and completes chain-of-custody
documentation in preparation for shipment to the testing laboratory. Since hair samples are obtained in full view of the collector, the process minimizes the likelihood of sample adulteration or specimen substitution.
LabReqs offers hair specimen collections in many of our patient service centers (PSCs) located throughout the United States. Our extensive network offers your employees convenient access to a LabReqs PSC.