Homocysteine Test

Homocysteine Test

$ 61.00

This test measures the blood Homocysteine level.

What is a Homocysteine Test?
The Homocysteine Test is a blood test that checks the Homocysteine level.
Why is a Homocysteine test important?
Homocysteine is an amino acid that results from the breakdown of another amino acid called methionine. Several B vitamins are important for recycling homocysteine in the body. Some research suggests that elevated homocysteine levels may promote blood vessel damage and increase the risk of heart attack and stroke.

*An 8-12 hour fast is recommended before testing. Please stay hydrated prior to blood draw. 

After placing an order, you will receive a doctor approved lab order by email usually within 20-30 minutes. The emailed Lab Requisition will allow you to go to a local patient collection site to get tested. You will not have to pay any additional lab, collection or doctor's fees.  Most test will normally report within 48-72 hours by secure email. List of collections site can be found using our Lab Locator Tool. If you have any questions please call our offices at 1-844-455-6355 or chat online with a member of our Care Team. 
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